Accepting Goldbacks as Payment


How to receive Goldbacks as full or partial payment for goods or services.

Playing for goods with a 10 Goldbacks.

Like a Coupon

The easiest way to accept the Goldback® as payment is to think of it as a coupon with a cash value of the current daily Exchange Rate posted on

For example, if you are at the till and someone gives you 10 Goldbacks to pay for their $37 order, and the Goldback is worth $3.83 that day, you could enter that they gave you $38.30, or a coupon with a value of $38.30, and then give change of $1.30 in Federal Reserve Note bills or coin.

View of Goldback Transaction Calculator.

Accepting Goldbacks
Made Easy . . .

  • Always has current
    exchange rate

  • Calculates change

  • Allows customer to over or under pay in Goldbacks

Goldbacks as Change

In addition to accepting the Goldback as payment, you will want to make change in Goldbacks for your patrons. One of the quickest and most effective ways to spread Goldbacks locally is to offer them as change. This helps introduce Goldbacks to new individuals, but also creates an incentive for your customers to return and spend their Goldbacks at your business, or to get more change. Customers receiving change in Goldbacks will likely remember your establishment and make it stand out.

Online Account

United Precious Metals Association logo.

United Precious Metals Association

When you register as a Goldback Accepting Business, you will become a member of the Goldback Business Network, receiving a free account with the United Precious Metals Association (UPMA). You can use your online UPMA account to deposit and withdraw the Goldbacks you receive or purchase. Through this account you can also vault Goldbacks for free; purchase Goldbacks online, in the office, or over the phone; and you can exchange up to 500 Goldbacks (suitable for circulation) each month directly for cash. Contact our distributor for any potential fees.

Shop window displaying a "We Accept the Goldback" sticker.